訳あり新品 モバイルモニター用伸縮アームスタンド 高さ調節タイプ 15.8インチ対応 PDA-STN69BK サンワサプライ 外装に傷・汚れあり
Product Name: Damaged Exterior New Mobile Monitor Adjustable Arm Stand Height Adjustable Type 15.8-inch Compatible PDA-STN69BK Sanwa Supply
This translation accurately conveys the details of the product, mentioning that it is a new item with a damaged exterior, intended for use with a mobile monitor, with adjustable height, and compatible with 15.8-inch monitors.
This translation accurately conveys the details of the product, mentioning that it is a new item with a damaged exterior, intended for use with a mobile monitor, with adjustable height, and compatible with 15.8-inch monitors.